
Monday, January 30, 2012

Video - Minecraft 1.2.5 - How To Install Mods EASY (Mac/PC)

Minecraft 1.2.5 - How To Install Mods EASY (Mac/PC) (HD  on YouTube)


How to easily install Minecraft mods with MCPatcher. The mods used as a demonstration
 in the video are: ModLoader, TooManyItems and Single Player Commands.

Single Player Commands:

TAGS: minecraft release notch zombie zombies crafting square daytime night day yt:quality=high video games BeastDud theminecrafterz toomanyitems modloader how to install mods easy mac pc 1.2.5 single player commands mcpatcher

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Video - [Minecraft] Parachute - Bukkit Plugin Reviews

[Minecraft] Parachute - Bukkit Plugin Reviews (HD on YouTube)


Texture Pack: (JohnSmith 64x64)

==//== Sorry for the bad quality, but this is our first video so far ==//==

This video is part of the Bukkit Plugin Reviews/Showcases series.

Parachute is a bukkit plugin for the Craftbukkit Minecraft servers. It is not usable on "vanilla" Minecraft servers (standard ones).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

SuperJump [Download] - Bukkit Plugin Reviews (Minecraft)

This is a review of the bukkit plugin called SuperJump (Minecraft).

SuperJump is a bukkit plugin for the Craftbukkit Minecraft servers. It was created by Bubby4j.

It allows people to place signs under blocks that when walked over, launches the player into a specific direction and with a specific speed configured by the creator of the block. Read more here.


Place a sign under a block of your choice, which will act as your launchpad. Remember to add the following things on your sign (without the quotes):
'[Jump]' on the first line (case doesn't matter)
The launch speed X on the second line (for example '0')
The launch speed Y on the third line (for example '1')
The launch speed Z on the fourth line (for example '0')

Warning! "The sign must be directly below the block you want people to launch when stepped on."
 - Bubby4j 

We like (+):
  • its usefulness
  • its simplicity and ease of use
  • its features
  • its lightness
We dislike (-):
  • its lack of Permissions support
  • its hard to use x-y-z mechanism (for the launch direction)
  • its missing features (mob/minecart/boat launching)

This plugin relfects exactly the kind of plugins that I want to these reviews; (it's not so known) it's simple, lightweight and easy to use. Not to mention that it's super useful and even more fun to use! 

It's uses are infinite; You could make awesome secret base entrances with these...or perhaps a trap to keep the griefers out of your REAL base entrance.

I'd say this plugin is not a must-have, but definitively one worth checking out.

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Check out TheMinecrafterz for more guides, tutorials 
and other content concerning Minecraft.

TheMinecrafterz - About Page

Hello everybody! I am TheOnlyTrueWriter (also known as BeastDud) 
and thereby the owner and creator of this website/blog.

Other blogs:
The World of Warcrafters - Guides, tutorials, videos and others, all for the 3.3.5(a) version of WoW (World of Warcraft). Most of it's guides are made with Molten-WoW, the best and leading WoW private server in mind.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Parachute [Download] - Bukkit Plugin Reviews (Minecraft)

This is a review of the bukkit plugin called Parachute (Minecraft).

"It is perhaps not as fast or easy as just flying in Creative Mode, but it sure is fun to use."

Parachute is a bukkit plugin for the Craftbukkit Minecraft servers. It was created by Kill3rFox.

It allows people to use chicken as parachutes simply by left-clicking while holding an egg. This allows you to glide (you can steer yourself with your mouse). After a while, you will be notified with the following text: "Your chicken is getting tired!", after which you start falling normally again. Read more here.

Warning! "This plugin can be quite resource intensive and slow down your server if many players are using it at the same time."
- Kill3rFox 

Additional features include:

  • ...the "free fall helmet" which launches automatically activates your helmet when you start falling (or jump down). You must have an egg equipped in your head slot for this to work (+ set permissions).
  • ...releasing your parachute by yourself by pressing SHIFT (by default) while the parachute is still on.
  • ...being able to release someone's parachute by hitting the "parachute" (being a chicken) with an arrow (by shooting with a bow).
  • ..."parachute failure chance" for more excitement into your Minecraft life.

We like (+):
  • its usefulness.
  • simplicity and ease of use.
  • the "free fall helmet".
  • its features.
  • its configuration options.
We dislike (-):
  • its sometimes hard steerability.
  • the accidental parachute activations.
  • its heaviness when used by several players at once (4-10+).

All in all, this plugin is a simple and lightweight*, yet useful plugin that we highly suggest for everyone, public and private servers alike. However, it is to be noted that the use of this plugin on highly populated servers might slow them down*.
    It is perfect for getting down from high pixel creations, mountains or sky bases. It might also save your life when suddenly falling into a pit for example.

Note: Those who might dislike the fact that the parachute looks, sounds and even smells exactly like a regular Minecraft chicken, please remember that this is only a plugin, not a mod.

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Check out TheMinecrafterz for more guides, tutorials 
and other content concerning Minecraft.